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Manage your project anytime, anywhere.

myDuncan is Duncan Aviation's aircraft project management system that improves communication, efficiency and accessibility. View quotes, approve work, review log entries, track job progress and retrieve your documents in one place. This is your direct link to communicate with your project manager, account rep., inspector, or salesperson.

Fast, secure, and easy-to-use, myDuncan is available on any device with an internet connection.

Available Features

Quotes View and compare quotes, request schedules and approve agreements.
Item Approval
Change Orders On-The-Fly Approvals help you track and manage items pending your review, complete with photos and parts options.
Log Entries
Log Entries Review your log entries as the job progresses. Make notes, mark what you've reviewed and what you want to follow up on later.
Documents Reduce the clutter from your inbox by choosing to retrieve your invoices online. Receive waybill tracking information for your shipments.
Component Repair Tracking Approve work and stay current on the progress of your repairs. View return-to-service documentation when the work is complete.
Job Status
Job Status A project overview illustrating the progress of your job and a history of approved work. View a schedule of important milestones for your job.
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